
Banbury Postiche - Driven by quality. We are proud to say that our business is fully ISO 9001:2008 registered and audited and has maintained this for over 20 years.


Banbury Postiche is proud to have been chosen as the official training head supplier for UK Skills . Banbury Postiche prides itself on quality and service, and has had a long association with the competition. The heads and pieces have been specially chosen to give you outstanding results.

£39.58 Each

Next Day Delivery


(Prices shown do not include VAT/TAX unless indicated otherwise).

We offer next day delivery on all stock items. Worldwide delivery available on all orders. (add the item to your basket to see our delivery prices).

The Pouch has 2 long pockets for metal tail combs and dressing combs. 1 overlapping pocket for a small Denman. 1 popper fastening pocket covered with a durable fabric for easy access to hair pins perfect for a quick change Below is a large pocket with a sturdy strap upon which to keep your grips. Included are 2 pockets ideal for glue pots. There is an elasticated mesh pocket perfect for tissues and powder puffs as well as 3 long pockets for make up brushes scissors e.t.c. In black faux leather its easy to clean with a large pocket to rear. Long adjustable strap with o-rings. W35 x L25cm PRODUCTS IN PHOTO NOT INCLUDED.

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